窶「 BgndMouseDownSupport flag tells if a Process Mgr routine is available to indicate if a layer switch is wanted by the application when one of its windows is clicked while in the background.
窶「 SkiaGlobalsSwitched flag tells that QD GX Globals are switched.
窶「 SysDebuggerSupport flag tells if the system debugger is supported.
窶「 IPCSupport flag tells if the Inter Process Communication is present.
窶「 TempMemTracked flag tells if some temporary memory can be allocated for an indeterminated duration (with System 6, it must be freed before the next WaitNextEvent call).
窶「 RealTempMemory flag tells if the temporary memory blocks are managed by the Memory Manager (true with System 7, false with System 6).
窶「 TempMemSupport flag tells if the temporary memory routines can be used.
窶「 LaunchControl flag tells if the Process Manager is available.
窶「 LaunchFullFileSpec flag tells if the _Launch trap supports control flags and other parameters.
窶「 LaunchCanReturn flag tells if the _Launch trap allows an application to continue running after launching another application.
窶「 SysZoneGrowable flag tells if the system heap can dynamically change its size.